Monday, February 6, 2012

Beauty Blabber - Top Mascaras

I unfortunately was not blessed with thick, long lashes. Having a best friend with amazing ones - ahem Emma - has given me quite the inferiority complex. At any one moment I usually own two or three types that I layer.

Here are my top five mascaras:

5. Benefit BADgal Lash Mascara - Benefit has such cute branding and packaging that half the time I don't know if I like their products or the containers more. I have actually never met a Benefit product or brow bar girl I haven't loved. This mascara is a solid performer. Great for thickening.

4. Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes! - I've recently started dabbling into this brand. I got a makeup set from my mom last summer and really liked the mascara. It's all natural, which is for sure a plus when it comes to putting stuff near your eyes. The thick purple fabric packaging is also really easy to spot in your makeup bag. It may just be me but my lashes definately feel healthier when I use this one.

3. Lancome DEFINICLS High Definition Mascara - I'm pretty sure this was the first mascara I used. I like it best as the top coat because I feel like it seperates any gunk I've got going on.

2. Benfit They're Real Mascara - This is a relatively new product, but I fell in love with it the very first time I used it. I use it everyday and love how it lengthens. Plus the whole concept behind it is pretty witty. I can't believe someone just thought of it last year.

1. Dior DiorShow Mascara - A total classic. No one does mascara like Dior. This mascara has a cult following and every girl I know has used it at one time or another. It does everything - curls, thickens, lengthens. It's a definate must have.


  1. Haven't checked your blog since thursday and this was awesome, 3 posts woohoo!! I love that I had so many to look at and laughed so hard at your Emma comment! I totally have the same complex, between her eyelashes and perfect skin its tough not to! I'm gonna make Jay whip up that shrimp salad and its embarassing the amount of stationary I have but rarely ever use. I totally want to get a custom set letterpressed and you have to try Kates Paperie, they have lovely sets and awesome bright leather notebooks!

  2. Wow, my head is sp big right now! Thanks ladies. Also love this post. I need to try a lot of these, especially tart and benefit. I love love love diorshow blackout and all lancome. My go to drugstore buy right now is Rimmel London accelorator mascara for length. Separates and says it helps growth and condition of lashes which I did see for sure.

    P. S. You two are both gorgeous and don't need long lashes to be. But it is totes fun to try new makeup! xo

  3. Awww...I love that my adoring public consists of my two besties!
