Sunday, June 24, 2012

DIY Pantry Staples - Mustard

Lately I've been super into making my own groceries when I can instead of buying them. Today I made my own mustard. It's super easy and I'm dorkily excited to see how it turns out.

1. You add 1 cup Powdered Mustard - I like Penzeys Regular Mustard which is 1/2 yellow seed and 1/2 oriental seed - to a jar. Then add 3 fl. oz. vinegar, 3 fl. oz. cold water, 1/2 tsp salt, and 1 tbs honey to a glass jar.

2. Shake until smooth then let mellow at room temperature. Note: As soon as you put it in the fridge the mellowing process is stopped. Try 6 weeks for a medium spicy mustard, 4 weeks for a spicy, and 8 for a mild.

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