Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Weekly Obession - New York Mouth

I recently stumbled across this online shop and am in love! It has tons of small batch food products, monthly subscriptions and super cute gifts. I could do without all the references to "indie food," which sounds like a Portlandia sketch, but the products are really interesting. There's all sorts of products ranging from apple pie chocolate bars to dried zucchini veggie chips. (Get it? - A to Z?!). My picks are the everything bagel flavored pasta, blue cheese black pepper shortbread, and martini pickles.

The gifts all arrive with a handwritten card, reusable tote, and are grouped in the most adorable themes. There are your standards - the Hot Stuff Taster features spicy pickles, kimchi and chili spiked lollipops - and the more niche like the Peanut Butter & Jelly Taster or the Total Jerk which contain peanut butters and jams and various jerkies. There are also seasonable gifts like the Passover or Easter Tasters - complete with giant chocolate Moses or Jesus. They usually come in varying sizes and prices so you can give/get a little or lot.

Friends be warned - I am going to use these for basically every occasion!

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